Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get HOT in March!

I have decided that March is GET HOT month! And by hot, I mean physically fit and what not. I will be the first to say that since getting married I have had a tendency to pack on those pesky few (uh....20 or so) pounds, and I am SO tired of it! Now, I know you other women know I'm talking about right? How you get comfortable and don't really care any more? Well... I CARE!

So, I've started working out and most importantly eating right. I have to say that the iPhone is the greatest invention ever. I have an app on there that keeps track of my food intake and exercise for each day! Honestly, I never thought writing down what you eat was worth it, but I have to admit, seeing what you eat in a day (nutrionally) really does help.

Anyways, I have some before pictures, but I won't be posting them until I have some good after ones..... ; )

Wish me luck!!!